Becoming a financial supporter

Purgatory Creek Chorale is a 501.c.3, non-profit organization.

Your tax-deductible contributions help support our mission of providing high quality choral music through concerts, community singing opportunities, and educational events for the San Marcos and Greater Central Texas Area.

If you are ready to donate now, click on the button for either online or donate by check. If you would like to read more about why your support matters and how we show up in our community, keep reading below.

Art costs money.

There are many ways to support PCC.

By attending concerts, sharing and interacting with our posts on social media, and yes, by donating money, you are supporting our organization and our mission.

Here are some of the ways that we show up in our community. If you feel that these things are of value to you and our community, then you might consider being a financial supporter.

Community Partnerships

As we are asking for your support, we want to illustrate the ways in which we engage with our community. At every PCC concert we ask audience members to bring donations for the Hays County Food Bank. In addition, every season we partner with a different organization that helps make San Marcos a better place by highlighting their work and offering ways for our audiences to engage with them.

Education initiatives

We believe that choral music is for everyone, regardless of background or experience. We host lectures and curate program notes to provide context so that all can understand and enjoy our concerts.

Pay-What-You-Can Tickets

We believe that concerts are an act of community care. Those who can pay more are encouraged to help cover the cost of those who need to pay less. This allows ALL to have equal access to what we offer.

Community Singing

One marker of a healthy community is having activities that bring different groups together for a common purpose. Through our Masterworks Chorus, we offer singing opportunities for singers of all experience levels. By supporting PCC, you help us to continue to create opportunities for our community to come together in music making.

Every Donation Helps

  • $15

    Gives access to our concerts for one person who may not be able to pay the suggested amount.

  • $25

    Covers the cost of one singer’s music for a concert.

  • $50

    Covers the cost of concert posters and promotional materials.

  • $150

    Covers the cost of printing programs for one concert.

  • $300

    Covers the cost of sheet music for the whole choir for one concert.

  • $600

    Covers the cost of hiring additional instrumentalists on our concerts.

Ready to Donate?

We accept Both Checks and Online Donations

Click the Donate Online button to be directed to our Stripe page where you can donate by Card, Apple Pay, or Cash App .

To donate via check, please fill out the form below and we will contact you with information on where to mail your check.